Despite the work, Bec is enjoying her stay in beautiful Rome... until Parker is involved in a mysterious car accident and hospitalized with serious injuries. In Parker's absence, Edge is taken over by Candace Worthington, a pompous ex-supermodel who doesn't waste any time putting Bec on a (proverbial) leash to keep her out of trouble. For her part, Bec wants to find out who was behind the car crash that hospitalized Parker and why they took her out. With the First Lady heading to the Edge offices for a fashion shoot, Bec starts to suspect that Parker's "accident" is the least of their worries. As she investigates further, she uncovers a plot that is using Edge to get close to the First Lady for less-than-charitable purposes.
I'm a huge fan of spy girl novels and Rome (thank you, study abroad!), so I was almost certain I would love this book. Unfortunately, it fell a little short of the mark for me. There were a few loose ends that never got wrapped up, and the weird circumstances just kept piling up. What parent would send their kid to Italy alone to intern after being kicked out of school (again) for hacking? Where did Bec learn her "hacking" skills (some of which are dubious at best) and why does she have no problem going/making out with both Taj and Dante? Questions, questions, questions. Despite these somewhat bewildering points, it was still an okay read once I started just going along with things.
- Rome!
- Rome + high fashion
- Entertaining, if somewhat unbelievable
- Bec often comes across as a rebellious punk who doesn't like it when things don't go her way
- Overly obvious ending
- Unlikely events (e.g. lifting fingerprints with makeup and Scotch tape, being attached to Parker after knowing her for all of 5 minutes, etc.)

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